"We are Just Friends" - Troubled Waters
I have being thinking quiet a bit lately on what needs to be put which we can easily relate to that's happening around us, and incidentally a story crossed my mind, its called "We are Just Friends". I know most of you happen to know this story very well, as u may have been a part to it, or may even have been a spectator or the intelligent one giving the advice. But i just request you to read me out fully and then be judge-mental, don't just rush on to a decision or a preconceived notion. All fictitious characters here are true and this is a exact replica of what happens in the world, there are no coincidences, its blatantly the truth. The names of the characters have been chosen by me, because i like these names - pure Bollywood !!!

Now today's story revolves around Rahul, our guy and his friend Anjali. Both of them work together, and they are just "Hello-Hi-Bye" kind of friends. The story goes ahead and one fine sunny day, Anjali comes up to Rahul asking him for some help in the office work and Rahul, our guy willingly helps her finish her work. Now here starts the chemistry, from "Hello-Hi-Bye" friends they move on to become "Let's have Lunch Together" friends. Now they start talking quiet a lot to each other and exchange routine messages through SMS, What's App, Fb, Gtalk. Every thing seems to be going in perfect order, but one fine day Anjali tells Rahul she has to go home and needs tickets and Rahul , as a courteous friend books the tickets (finding the travel agents and what not).
Finally Anjali is home and she realizes that some work needs to be done at office, a project pend-ency and guess what whom does she call - ahaaan Ahaann rite Rahul !!! Rahul diligently finishes up her work without any expectations, just for the sake of a friend. Now that's totally acceptable. Now Anjali is back from her home, and she finds out that her roomie has left her in the middle of a soup and she needs to find an apartment and who else to go for help than Rahul. Now chemistry has changed from "Let's have Lunch Together" friends to "Help Me Always" friends. Oh gosh !!! Rahul slogs his ass and goes out every weekend with Anjali to find a suitable house for her, but the expectations are so high that they end up finding nothing. Eventually some time later they find a house, now Rahul has other task at hand which is buying stuff for her new house (even though his room looks like a mess, but then a friend in need is a friend indeed). With the passage of time two meet regularly, go out for dinners and Anjali's Puppy eyes and charms start making Rahul's pot of expectations boil. The boil reaches to level that Rahul can't hold it back and feels that Anjali is the right girl for him and after having done so much for her, he feels he has earned the right to be with her. Rahul's friend Karan keeps on reiterating the fact that Anjali is just using Rahul for her own good, vis-a-vis Anjali's friend Tina keeps on teasing Anjali with Rahul, but Anjali denies each bit of it saying that there are no feelings and that he is not that guy.
So now here comes the soup, Rahul speaks out his mind to Anjali and expecting a favorable response he waits for the answer, just to find out that Anjali believes that they are "Just Friends". World comes crashing down and suddenly there is flashback in front of Rahul as to the things he had done for Anjali and the return he has got. Filled with rage he just messes up the already messed up situation and calls Karan. Karan just adds fuel to fire, just to prove his point. So eventually the friendship falls apart.
Now you may come across this situation in different aspects where you just have messed up with a colleague over work that you used to do for them, or a friend that you lost because you expected too much. We must understand the point from this story that eventually if we have a balanced approach of judging we would find that we can't single out any one to lay the fault on them. It was both Anjali and Rahul's fault and may be in your case- your and your friend's fault. But the point here is how can we set this thing correct for our future friendships or relationships. Trust me there is only one way-limit your expectations and put your expectations out there with the other person, i know that its difficult to do that, but then had it been easy there would not have been a problem this big.
Guys my sincere advise to you is, start behaving like men, start saying "No" when you have to and when you want to, your doing something for some one doesn't entitle you to have them in the way you want. Keep your hearts in your chest, don't just go on throwing them around just like wannabe's. You would find yourself a perfect match when you are ought to. Girls you got to be cautious enough not to use guys for help always. Don't through your charms at guys, they are love beings and they just fall for your puppy eyes, that help me please expression and the loving touch, those little expressions. Though sometimes its involuntary but then u need to keep your horses to yourself, before letting them drive some one astray. Strictly Only Do it if you mean it, otherwise don't do it at all. Man you have the equal opportunity to help yourselves, don't just go around for help, take it when it is required. Unnecessary help lands you in trouble and even then if you want help go get yourself a servant. Friendship is hard to find and easy to loose; but then it is up to ourselves as how we keep it. Narrow your expectations and broaden your horizons.
Very well very well!! Admired!!