Thursday, June 14, 2012

Don't just waste time - Say what you have to Say!!!

The ironic thing about a relationship is that we never actually realize the importance of that before it is over or on the verge of getting over - funny isn't it. We all actually have the tendency to save all our talks for the last, thinking that we might be the one ending the relationship on higher grounds giving a moral boost to our ego which we generally treat as an act of selflessness.

To add to that we keep on remembering the times we had together and what all we did and then last by certainly not the least our human tendency to compare ourselves and then sob over what has happened. Yeah that's what is the truth, believe it or not we feel bad sometimes of what happened and think that we may have changed things and what could have ended up nicely was screwed. Not to mention to the fact that everything that ends, is actually screwed. But then where were we when things were going out of proportions and why didn't we take counter measures??? Now this is a question that would take some doing to answer it.

To put it in simple words we never really think that the situation has blown out of proportion and we certainly mind our heart and mind by saying that things are good its just a mere glitch. We simply overlook the things happening around and try to be happy and in that trying we loose out what we actually stood for. We believe that people would understand us or the our relationship partner would fully know what to do and would completely know what is going through our mind. Technically and scientifically he/she doesn't ever know- this is what i call "The Relationship Bubble". He may try and understand the situation but then he can never be you- can he??? The perfection in relationships only come in fairy tales, but in the real world we ought to do something to make it sound perfect. You have to tell the other person what you feel, he is no god darn alien to understand what you are going through. Guys we are a complex beings with emotions that vary from one to a million, so just let the other person know what you are feeling, things won't change until you communicate. By not saying you would just make things even more worse, because we all comprehend situations differently.

Now Coming back to the question; now what are we supposed to do. To be frank enough i have realized over a period of time that there is nothing called as a perfect time, you have got to say what you want to say when you get a chance. I know the right chance is hard to come but then you can't just wait for time to slip by and then repent and use the most obnoxious word in the English dictionary "If" to actually clam yourselves down and justify your position. I say why don't just actually use the time that we have at our disposal to actually portray what we feel for the other. Time is never right, it never was, it is just a mental blockage that we have that we may actually see win in a definitive situation. It's just that we are too afraid of loosing, loosing some one we care for, we love and feel for. That is just fine i have no qualms about it but then you might end up loosing that person forever just waiting for the right time. Don't waste your time - just say what you have to say, at last you would be happy for the fact that you actually tried. Follow your heart and do what you have to do, i know it is easier said than done but then once it is done you would be relieved, and that my friend is one of the best feeling in this whole wide world.

You know "When it is over, its over". You would not get a chance to speak your heart out and even if you get that the other person wouldn't care listening to it how much ever emotions you put into it. So say what you have to, when you have to and trust me there is nothing such as a write time. If you wait for time but it would certainly not wait for you, because it has was never meant to wait. We may feel sad when things turn ugly and not to our expectations bu then we certainly are to blame some way or other, it just like you can't just clap with a single hand (Yes, i know some of you can, please register yourself with the Guinness Books). We may fail in our attempts bu then isn't it the attempts that keep us going, the idea of failure has always kept even the greatest of all people at bay, but the triumph has been at foot steps for those who tried hard and understood where they went wrong. Change and improvement is not random, they may seem to be random but then there is always a plan to that.

So my dear Husbands give your wives a surprise gift today, buy her flowers, give her a hug, take her out for a drive and tell her that you love her so much and that she is the "love of your life". Wives get ready and knock your better halves down, bowl them over with that cute smile and that warm kiss that he has always wanted when he came home from work, cook something special for him, put on candles and make him wish, tell him that he is the support that you had always craved for. And certainly to the young couples out there, surprise your partner with something that they would never believe that you did for them, put some gifts in every corner of their rooms, giggle with them, fool around just make them laugh. Reach out to them, because how so ever busy they may be everyone loves to get a surprise. Tell them how you feel for them, good, bad  -worst and how you feel in love with them and why you are still crazy about them, because You know "When it is over, its over". 

Mail me your thoughts at and i would be more than happy to glance through them. All comments and criticism are well appreciated, we don't mind that. So just pen it down here.

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